
Ushers may be the initial contact point for visitors or members arriving for worship services. Visitors should be warmly welcomed and encouraged to sign the Guest Register. When visitors are ready to enter the Sanctuary, they ought to be seated by an usher. If possible, they should be seated with members who can offer assistance as needed.

All ushers will be notified by the church office of their scheduled service. If an individual cannot serve on a particular Sunday, he/she should notify the Chief Usher for the month.

At least one usher shall remain in the Narthex during the worship service for security reasons and check in on the nursery a couple of times during the service. Ushers are requested to unlock the door to the choir room before the choir exits the Sanctuary after the service.

Jan       Jim Garner, Chief
2024    Steve Nivens

Feb      Jim Garner, Chief
              Steve Nivens

Mar      ___________, Chief
              Gail Marcum

Apr      Wayne Lybrand, Chief
              Gary Black

May     Jim Garner, Chief

June     Wayne Lybrand, Chief
               Mark Satterwhite

July      Isma Boland, Chief
               Gail Marcum  

Aug     Wayne Lybrand, Chief

Sept     Jim Garner, Chief
              Gary Black

Oct       Bill Aull, Chief
              Gail Marcum

Nov     Wayne Lybrand, Chief
             Mark Satterwhite

Dec      Isma Boland, Chief

Jan       Steve Nivens, Chief
2025    ___________