Lutheran Men in Mission

Contacts:  Bill Aull, Gary Black, and Charles Nicholson

Lutheran Men in Mission will continue to meet informally for breakfast on the third Monday of each month (except in June, July, and August) for anyone wishing to attend at Lizards Thicket on Highway #1 in Lexington. We welcome our men to join us.

Our Mission
Our mission is, by God’s grace, to build men’s faith, relationships and ministry through the men’s events we produce, the resources we publish and the leaders we develop.The vision of Lutheran Men in Mission for every man to have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through an effective men’s ministry in every congregation. 

We minister to men of all ages. A special focus is a ministry to younger men.

Our Purpose
This organization shall support and endeavor to strengthen the witness of the South Carolina Synod and shall promote its activities and programs.  The SCLMM shall seek to aid in the spiritual, intellectual and social development of the men of the church and to deepen commitment to Christ and participation in the life of His Church. It shall give financial support to the development and growth of congregations in the South Carolina Synod with special emphasis on mission congregations, primarily new starts, but also redevelopments.  New starts are defined as areas   where the ELCA has not previously developed a ministry.  Redevelopments are defined as any second attempt by the Division for Outreach and SCLMM to develop a ministry where a previous new start has failed to result in a self supporting ministry.  It shall support special projects as determined by the Synod organization.  It shall encourage support of the purposes and projects as set forth by the Lutheran Men in  Mission, ELCA.

Our Saviour LMM
All men of the church are considered members of the organization and are encouraged to attend meetings on the third Monday of each month.  A meal and program are planned and a brief meeting is held to conduct any business matters.  In August we travel to Shealy’s Barbecue in Leesville for an evening of fun and socializing for our Annual Ladies’ Night.  In December our Annual Christmas Party is scheduled where we invite all our widow ladies whose husbands were regular members of the LMM as our guests for a joyful evening.  Service projects include assisting members with various chores including yard work and repairs and making general repairs to the church and assisting with maintaining the Memorial Garden.  We participate in the Committee of 100 and the Saxe Gotha Conference meetings and work days as well as supporting youths from time to time with expenses to meetings.