
The Worship Team promotes and supervises this congregation’s worship and music ministries with the assistance of council and guidance from the pastor, the organist, and the choir director(s).  Duties of this team include:

  • Ensuring that services of this congregation are conducted regularly and in harmony with the published liturgies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and its predecessor bodies
  • Coordinating and training ushers, worship assistants, lay readers, and greeters
  • Providing and maintaining hymnals and other devotional materials
  • Maintaining the schedule for placement of flowers in the sanctuary and supervising seasonal decoration of the sanctuary
  • Supervising and supporting the choirs and maintaining the choir robes and the musical instruments of this congregation

2024 Team Leader: Charles Nicholson
Members: Kay Black, Isma Boland, Ben Lemons, Ruth Nicholson, Beverly Nivens
Ex-officio Members: Melodie Capole, Brent Holcomb, and the pastor

2023 Report

During 2023, the team assisted the pastors and choir directors with the worship and music ministry of the congregation. We celebrated Easter with “Flowering of the Cross” outside and with donated Easter lilies surrounding the altar inside and with special music from instrumentalists, the vocal choir, and our handbell choir. Although reduced in membership, the vocal choir prepared music for worship at rehearsals prior to the service each Sunday, and the bell choir, made up of many friends and family from USC, practiced to prepare music for at least one service each month.  The team, with help from other congregation members, decorated the sanctuary with our chrismon trees, garlands, and donated poinsettias.  Our beautiful nativity scene was again set up in the narthex.

Throughout the year the Altar Guild was busy preparing communion for each service and making sure the appropriate paraments, banners, and candles were set out.

Submitted by Charles Nicholson, 2023 Team Leader
Members: Kay Black, Isma Boland, Ben Lemons, Ruth Nicholson, Beverly Nivens
Ex-officio Members: Melodie Capole, Brent Holcomb, and the pastor